Welcome to Colonial America!

Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in a snowy December 1620.
Image Credit: Sarony & Major. "The landing of the Pilgrims, on Plymouth Rock, Dec. 11th 1620." c1846. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, many European countries began to establish coloniescolonies in North and South America. Some of these settlementssettlement survived but others did not.
What makes a settlement succeed?
Your challenge is to build a successful settlement that survives in the face of multiple challenges. First, you will explore the choices colonistscolonists made that led to a colony’s success or failure. Then, you will apply your knowledge to design a colony. You will use a simulationsimulation to test how your settlement fares when faced with challenges.
Explore the slideshow to learn more about Colonial America.